Preferred type is audio/vnd.wav


Important: The official type may not represent community/developer consensus and you may encounter issues with the official type. The popular and potentially more compatible type has been listed as audio/wav.

The Waveform Audio File Format (WAV or WAVE) is a widely used audio format, originally developed by Microsoft and IBM and based on the RIFF wrapper format. The usual audio encoding in a .wav file is LPCM, considered an 'uncompressed' encoding. Because of large file sizes, WAV is not well-suited for distributing audio such as songs or podcasts. WAV is used in MS-Windows to store sounds used in applications. It is also used as an archival format for first-generation (master) files, often with a metadata chunk as specified in the Broadcast Wave (BWF) standard.

Note a contributor has discovered compatibility issues with browsers and the official type. See the attached issue for more information.

File types


Also appears as